What’s The Difference Between A Fireplace And An Insert?
Have you been thinking about a fireplace upgrade? You aren’t sure if you want to give your old fireplace a facelift or put in an insert. Well, you are on the right track. As a homeowner, you should research the different options. If you aren’t sure what your home is suitable for, you came to the right place. Let’s talk about the difference between a fireplace and an insert.
Simply, a fireplace is built into the home during construction. If you want a fireplace and your home does not have one, you are looking at a completely new build. This can become a very expensive project. There are ways to update your fireplace. Felgemacher has many options that you can choose from. However, with the popularity of fireplaces, a growing number of folks are choosing to take the plunge and sign up for the complete construction of a new fireplace. Mostly for the larger viewing window. The ambiance is on a larger level.
A fireplace insert is a small firebox that fits nicely into an existing fireplace. Many homeowners have chosen an insert if they have found that their fireplace isn’t as efficient as it had been in the past. An insert is an excellent option as a secondary heat source as they are very efficient. There are different fire sources with an insert as well. Gas inserts have become very popular for their ease of use and low maintenance. Folks appreciate they don’t have to buy and store wood with a gas insert. Wood-burning inserts are much more efficient than a fireplace as the fire is contained in one area. One insert can heat up to 2,200 square feet of space.
- The ambiance of a larger fireplace. A gathering place for celebrations and holidays.
- Used as an alternate heat source. Many areas have brutal winters. The option with a fireplace to light a fire for that cozy warm feel.
- With a gas insert, the ease of use is a big plus.
- Inserts tend to be more cost-effective.
- Safer as sparks tend to stay within the insert.
- Maintenance is time-consuming.
- You will need storage for your wood.
- Less efficient as there may be gaps in the masonry causing loss of heat.
- Over the years the chimney has been subject to fierce weather which adds to the wear and tear, leading to costly repairs.
- You won’t get the traditional ambiance that you get with a full-open fireplace.
- Inserts initially are expensive to purchase and install.
When you are ready for your annual inspection and chimney sweep, call Felgemacher. We are a third-generation chimney and fireplace company dedicated to providing the best quality and craftsmanship in Western New York.
We currently look at over 2000 chimneys each year and can give you the confidence that we are educated on every aspect of your chimney. Our owners are certified by the Chimney Safety Institute of America, National Fireplace Institute, and National Chimney Sweep Guild, yielding the highest quality of expertise for our customers.